It’s time to Garba!

Time for Navratri, Dandiya, Garba and Chania Cholis   It’s that time of the year again, when you start receiving invites to various Dandiya and Garba nights in town! For the un-initiated – Dandya and Garba are two popular Indian dance styles performed to drum thumping musical beats and peppy Bollywood numbers! So, what to expect at a typical Garba or Dandiya party? Be ready to dance to feet tapping music – both ethnic Gujarati songs and the latest Bolloywood music will greet you at the party...

How to Host a Fun Bollywood Theme Party?

So you've been wanting to throw a colorful, musical Bollywood themed party for quite some time now, but don’t know how to go about it? Worry not! We at Saris and Things love everything Indian & Bollywood – and here we’ll share with you 6 simple steps to Host a fabulous Bollywood Party! Invitations Your invite must be special! So, design a special Bollywood themed invitation for your party. You can create a collage of famous Bollywood stars, or use typical Indian motifs like Henna art, Diy...